EWB-Purdue Welcome Back! Chapter meeting this week

Seth Lindley slindle at purdue.edu
Mon Jan 9 19:40:30 EST 2017

Hi all!


The gifts have all been unwrapped and we're offered a short respite before
the valentines advertisements begin the inevitable barrage.  We're now faced
with three months of snow and ice that came too late to be glamorized by
Bing Crosby, or Will Farrell.  Like waking up from a three-week dream, we
realize professors are still scheduling exams and on-the-go sandwiches are
still astonishingly subpar.


But Wait, there is a spark glinting in the center of this frigid campus!
EWB is planning a great semester to get our minds working towards the
brighter future that spring promises!  We have a lot planned and a lot to
get done this semester, so join us for our first chapter meeting this
Wednesday at 6pm!  Meetings will be held in the basement of Armstrong hall
this semester, which is a change from previous semesters.  We will be
meeting in the i2i design studio lab (think ENG 131 room with big rolling
tables).  We will be going over the goals for the semester as well as
announcing details about this semester's callout and travel team


Welcome back, we're glad to have you!


All the best,


Seth Lindley

Purdue University

Lyles School of Civil Engineering

(812) 603-2572

slindle at purdue.edu


Engineers Without Borders USA builds a better world through engineering
projects that empower communities to meet their basic human needs and equip
leaders to solve the world's most pressing challenges.

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