EWB-Purdue EWB Week 7: Design Review Edition

Shawn Edward Makulec smakulec at purdue.edu
Mon Feb 20 16:41:17 EST 2017

Hello, everyone!

It's that time of the semester again-- our first spring design review is upon us.  This Wednesday evening, our EPICS team will be presenting their design review, which will also be our full chapter meeting.  This is just slightly different from how the EPICS team has done design review in the past, as it will take place in ARMS B098-2, the i2i Studio, and all chapter members are invited and encouraged to come hear about what the EPICS side of the team has been up to this semester.

Design review will start promptly at 6:00 PM (read: please get there a little early!) and runs until 8:00 PM, the full length of EPICS lab.  Again, the main difference this year is that it will not take place in the usual location-- it's going to be downstairs where we have chapter meetings, so we'll have more space.

The chapter will not be working on program selection this Wednesday because of design review.  Instead, there will be a meeting on Saturday at 1:00 PM in the lobby of Potter.

Did you buy a T-shirt last semester, but haven't picked it up yet?  Send me an email and we'll get that taken care of.

Here's our Google calendar:


Our schedule for the week:

Monday, 2/20:

Grants Committee meeting: 6:00 PM, Amelia's (ARMS basement).

Tuesday 2/21:

Biogas team meeting: 6:00 - 7:00 PM, ARMS 1098C.

Wednesday, 2/22:

Water team meeting: 5:00 - 6:00 PM, ARMS 3115.

Design Review/Chapter meeting: 6:00 - 8:00 PM, ARMS B098-2.  This is for the whole chapter-- EPICS should come to B098-2, NOT go to the lab.

Thursday, 2/23:

Events Committee meeting: 6:00 PM, Amelia's (ARMS basement).

Saturday, 2/25:

Program Selection meeting: 1:00 PM, Potter lobby.

Monday, 2/27:

Grants Committee meeting: 6:00 PM, Amelia's (ARMS basement).

Future Directions team meeting: 7:00 PM, ARMS 1098-C.

Tuesday, 2/28:

Biogas team meeting: 6:00 - 7:00 PM, ARMS 1098C.

That's it!  See you all Wednesday for design review!


Shawn Makulec

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