EWB-Purdue Week 16: Design Review

Shawn Edward Makulec smakulec at purdue.edu
Sun Dec 3 16:26:30 EST 2017

** PLEASE NOTE:  This email went out Thursday, but was sent to just the EPICS list by mistake-- for some of you, this is going to be a repeat email.**

Hello everyone!

We've almost made it to the end of another semester-- design review is coming up this Monday!  In this email:

OUTGOING officer meeting for this Monday night
Grant writer position openings
Design review expectations
Team calendar links

There will be a brief officer meeting Monday night after design review for outgoing officers to attend.  This shouldn't last too long, and will be the last one for outgoing officers this semester!

Our chapter has grant writer positions open for next semester.  This is a great chance to take on more responsibility on the team, and a very important position for our chapter.  Grant writers next semester will be members of an EPICS design team-- the full responsibilities are outlined here in our constitution by-laws.  Margaret Levell, our current grants head this semester, wants you all to know:
Working on grants is a great way to boost your resume, since companies know grant writing skills are unusual and valuable. Companies, research groups, and NGOs all need to write grants in order to gain enough funding, and being a Grant Writer is a great introduction.
If you have any interest in this position, please contact Margaret and me ASAP.  It's vital that these positions be filled, as this is how our chapter pays for the vast majority of our costs.

With design review this coming Monday (12/4), it's a good time to review expectations for those attending.  As this is a formal presentation that we have invited guest reviewers to, it's important for everyone to be in their seats at 5:55 so we can start at 6:00 sharp.  Attendees need to stay for the entire presentation, which will most likely go until 8:00.  Presenters will wear business casual, but there is no dress expectation for attendees.  This is a great chance to hear about all the work our chapter has done this semester, and I highly recommend that everyone enrolling in EPICS next semester attend.

Here's <https://calendar.google.com/calendar/embed?src=k6adasfa5cutbnmsfkr76qvcuk%40group.calendar.google.com&ctz=America/New_York> the link to our team calendar.  Please make sure to check the calendar for any events or major deadlines for our chapter. The first person who comes to me in person and says they read this will get a dollar.  In addition, our calendar has meeting times and locations, etc.

That's everything!  I'll see you all at design review Monday.


Shawn Makulec

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