EWB-Purdue EWB: Week One

Shawn Edward Makulec smakulec at purdue.edu
Sat Aug 19 23:50:56 EDT 2017

Hello everyone!

EWB is back!  Our first meeting is THIS Monday the 21st at 6:00 PM, in ARMS B098 (the i2i Design Studio).  Only EPICS members and Execs need to come-- but if you're planning on being in EPICS this semester, make sure to attend, as we will be splitting people into design teams.  Executive officers, please plan on staying after EPICS finishes.

If you're looking to get the full EWB experience, you should really join EPICS!  Please note that you need at least one semester of EWB club experience to join our EPICS team.

The first event we have coming up is the Mini B-Involved Fair in Krach on August 22. Our time slot is from 1:00 - 3:00 PM and we will need two officers there at all times, as well as a person or two to deal with set up and take down.  If you are available please sign up here<https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/13bP-KhzI02nKw_KbqlhqMCOEmYtFgxQ5W-cpYor_6Mw/edit?usp=sharing>.  We need more people for this, so if you're able to, sign up!

Our fall callout is scheduled for Wednesday, September 6 at 7:00 PM in FRNY G140. If you can attend the callout, please sign up here<https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1iNQkfXyNzDjUheHYUfn6OWqwMmI7ccvyQBwdAx95GcQ/edit?usp=sharing>.  It's important for us to have as many current EWB members as possible at the callout!

Have a good first week of classes!


Shawn Makulec

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