EWB-Purdue EWB T-Shirt Design Contest

Sean Michael McCrohan smccroha at purdue.edu
Fri Apr 7 12:36:38 EDT 2017

Hey everyone!

We will be ordering T-Shirts at the start of next semester, and are going to have an open design contest this month. If you have any interest in designing the next EWB t-shirt, go ahead and make a design on CustomInk (go to the link below, and click on 'design lab'), and email me a link to the design any time in the next 2 weeks (before 4/21). It doesn't take any graphic design skill to make a shirt on their website, so anyone can make one!


The most preferred shirt type on the survey sent out was a Long sleeve t-shirt, but feel free to design whatever kind of shirt you think would be best.


Sean McCrohan

smccroha at purdue.edu

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