[Ewb-list] EWB Update - 10/21/2014

Emily P Briggs briggs3 at purdue.edu
Tue Oct 21 15:14:07 EDT 2014

Hi Everyone!

Thanks to everyone who attended last week's general meeting!  I have attached the General Meeting PowerPoint to this e-mail for those of you who were unable to make it.  

For everyone who was involved in the Uganda research topics, don't forget to e-mail them to me or bring them to the general meeting.  We will be presenting these topics to the rest of the club this week.  For those of you who are unable to make it, please forward the slides onto me along with a brief explanation.


General Meeting
When:  10/22/2014 @ 7 PM
Where: HAMP 3144
Contact: Emily Briggs – briggs3 at purdue.edu

Note:  Don't forget to bring your dues!!!  See attached PowerPoint for information on the different membership options.

Ben’s Pretzels Fundraiser
When: 10/28/2014 10:45 AM– 4:15 PM
Where: Armstrong Atrium
Contact: Rachel Lucas – lucas27 at purdue.edu

Note:  We need more volunteers for the Ben's Pretzel Fundraiser next Tuesday.  If interested in volunteering, e-mail Rachel Lucas or sign-up at tomorrow's General Meeting.

See you tomorrow!

Emily Briggs

Junior Chemical Engineering
Purdue University
Vice President of EWB
Purdue Chapter
briggs3 at purdue.edu
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