[Ewb-list] EWB General Meeting Wed 7PM ME 3006

Ellen Wright wrigh185 at purdue.edu
Mon Feb 24 00:07:39 EST 2014

Hello everyone, 

Hope you enjoyed the warm weather last week, because it doesn't look as nice this week... But keep your head held high, and your spirits alive by coming to the EWB general meeting at 7PM on Wednesday in ME3006. BGR has our rooms out of wack, so it'll be back to a normal room location after this week. 

Don't miss coming to the meeting because the travel team will be announced! Attached is last week's PowerPoint, and the meeting locations for all committees. GET INVOLVED!! Dan had some things come up, so stay tuned for news from him about the Grant Committee meeting this week. 

Oodles of toodles, 

Ellen Wright 

Ellen Wright 
College of Engineering, Chemical Engineering '16 

Purdue University 

GEARE Cohort '15 

Ambassador, Engineering Projects in Community Service 

Communications Manager, Engineers Without Borders 

Treasurer , Purdue Outing Club 

wrigh185 at purdue.edu 

(602) 284 - 6120 
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