[Ewb-list] EWB Update - 12/2/2014

Emily P Briggs briggs3 at purdue.edu
Tue Dec 2 20:17:10 EST 2014

Hi Everyone!

I hope you all had an AWESOME Thanksgiving break!  It went by way too fast!

Since next week is dead week, this week will be our last General Meeting of this semester.  It will be TOMORROW 12/3/2014 at 7:00 PM in PHYS 116.  I hope to see you there!  I am attaching the General Meeting PowerPoint from the last meeting for any of you who could not make it.

REMINDER:  We have started a fundraising page for our Purdue EWB Chapter.  Please post or send this link on to your family and friends:


It will take you to the EWB-Purdue Fundraising page.  The money we raise will go towards sponsoring our trip to Uganda.  Every dollar counts, so putting money towards this will really help out our club.  If you have trouble with the link, there is a working link in the attached General Meeting Powerpoint.

Let me know if you have any questions!

See you all tomorrow!

Emily Briggs

Junior Chemical Engineering
Purdue University
Vice President of EWB
Purdue Chapter
briggs3 at purdue.edu

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