[Ewb-list] EWB General Meeting 7PM UNIV 001

Ellen Wright wrigh185 at purdue.edu
Mon Apr 14 00:06:30 EDT 2014

Hello EWB members, 
Baked! cookie fundraiser is Thursday (the 17th) from 10:30 to 5:30, outside of Class of 1950. There was a form filled out, so if you signed up make sure you go to that! Rachel will email you all with the details and that stuff. 
The project got approved!! HUZZAH! This means we can officially go and we're one step closer to it! 
I sent the newsletter out last week, and I would love feedback on what you liked//disliked so if everyone could read through it and let me know your thoughts! That way the next one is 200x better!!
 We're still kinda in the groove of finding an engineering advisor for next year and we could use all the help//suggestions everyone has. So if you have a professor in mind who would be a great candidate, send their info our way and we'll reach out to them!! 
As usual, remember we have the meeting on Wednesday in UNIV 001 at 7PM, and all of the committee meetings everywhere in between. 

Stay golden, 
Ellen Wright 

(Sent from my phone so I'm sorry if there are any errors) 

Ellen Wright 
College of Engineering, Chemical Engineering '16 
Purdue University 
Ambassador, Engineering Projects in Community Service 
Communications Manager, Engineers Without Borders 
Treasurer, Purdue Outing Club 
wrigh185 at purdue.edu (602) 284 - 6120 

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