[Ewb-list] EWB General Meeting

cverhoff at purdue.edu cverhoff at purdue.edu
Wed Sep 18 01:47:34 EDT 2013

Hello EWBers!

If you are reading this, then you have successfully been added to the Engineers Without Borders mailing list. Congrats! Our first meeting will be today--Wednesday the 18th, at 7:00pm in HAMP 1144 (aka Civil Engr Building). Don't miss it!

Normally, we will send out one or two emails per week to remind about meetings and to send out meeting minutes. The before-meeting emails will typically go out earlier than this (the lateness of this one was to give everyone time to make it onto the mailing list). 

Also, below are two topics that will be discussed at the meeting: the EWB Regional Conference is coming up, as well as our Coldstone fundraiser! 

Coldstone fundraiser: please sign up for a time to work the table here: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0As52EvnTd4gQdEE2U3lrX2h1MmE3NUEyUUdJcXRlNVE#gid=0
We'd like at least 2 people at the table at all times. And even if you can't take a shift, spread the word, and stop by to buy some ice cream!
Regional Conference: Nov 1-3, Cincinnati, OH. More information is below, and attached to this email. We'll talk about this at the meeting also. 

Members of the Great Lakes Region:
You are cordially invited to the Engineers Without Borders Great Lakes Regional Conference! Attached is the most up-to-date agenda along with a one-page info sheet that you can pass along to your members. The conference website is also up to date, click here for more information!  You can also invite members and spread the word via the Facebook event page, Click here for the link. 
Date: November 1 - 3, 2013 in Cincinnati, Ohio at Crowne Plaza Hotel
Hosted by: Greater Cincinnati Professionals, Miami University, and University of Cincinnati EWB Chapters
Register Here
Book your hotel here
- State of EWB-USA update by the Executive Director of EWB-USA
- Regional update by Great Lakes Regional President
- Dinner and Sustainability Tour at the Cincinnati Zoo
- Networking among students, professionals, and sponsors
- Breakout sessions that fit into 4 different tracks: 
(1) Chapter Focused
(2) Technical
(3) Project/ Community Relations
(4) Hands-On
*Registration Rates*
Early Bird (Ends Monday, September 30)
Student Members: $75
Student Non-Members: $85
Professional EWB Members: $120
Professional ASCE Members: $120
Professional Non-Members: $130

Student Members: $90
Student Non-Members: $100
Professional EWB Members: $140
Professional ASCE Members: $140
Professional Non-Members: $150
*PDHs will be available*
For more information, please contact ewbglrc2013 at gmail.com


Chrissy Verhoff
Communications Manager, EWB

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