[Ewb-list] Weekly EWB Email

EWB Purdue ewbpurdue7 at gmail.com
Mon Oct 28 18:47:09 EDT 2013

Hi EWBers,

There will be NO general meeting this week, because the 2nd *Engineering
and Anthropology Workshop* takes place on *Wednesday, Oct. 30* from
in Hicks G980D.*  The topic will be "*Learning About Your Community:
Investigating Assets and Needs*."  This topic is incredibly important to
our club as we move forward with the Uganda project, and everyone is highly
encouraged to attend.

Elections will be two weeks from this Wednesday, on *Nov. 13*.  Open
positions include President, Vice President, Secretary, and Communications
Manager.  These positions begin next semester and last a year, through next
fall semester.  If you would like to run, please send a quick email to
Dalan at dtalsma at purdue.edu saying your name and the position you'd like to
run for.  If you cannot make the meeting on Nov. 13, you can include in
your email a brief speech about yourself for a board member to read on your
behalf.  If you have questions about any of the positions, feel free to
email the respective board member below!

President:  Dalan Talsma -- dtalsma at purdue.edu
VP:  Krysten Mah -- mahk at purdue.edu
Secretary:  Jynx Boyne -- mboyne at purdue.edu
Communications Manager:  Chrissy Verhoff (me!) -- cverhoff at purdue.edu

Chrissy Verhoff
Communications Manager
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