[Ewb-list] EWB Events Info

EWB Purdue ewbpurdue7 at gmail.com
Tue Oct 15 20:14:24 EDT 2013

Hey Everyone!

Thanks to everyone who came and helped out with Shack-a-thon!  I was only
able to be there until 2:20, so sorry if I missed any of you.  We ended up
building a pretty awesome Shack and I am very proud of our club!  Just a
note, before you sign up for an event, be sure that you can attend at that
time.  If you guys forgot, its fine, but I will try to send out emails the
day before rather than a few days before.  This is important because I just
want to make sure that all the time slots have someone there, and if not, I
will work to fill it.  if you find out you can not make I would appreciate
if you would email me.  Thank you to all of you who did.

For those of you interested in joining the EWB Events and Fundraising
board, we will be having a short meeting at 6:30 tomorrow in ME 2061 right
before the general meeting.  You are allowed to be a part of multiple
committees, so do not give up the chance to influence the events and
activities EWB is a part of in Lafayette.  If you are unable to make the
meeting, but are still interested in being a part of the committee, please
email me with your name and I will get you on the Events/Fundraising
emailing list.  I look forward to the chance of working with you all and
hearing all your good ideas.

On another note, the haunted corn maze trip is coming up this saturday at 7
pm.  I am going to have a sign-up sheet at the EWB general meeting.  If you
are unable to make the meeting, a link to the sign-up sheet is below:


This event is to try to get us all to know each other more since we will be
working as a team on the project together, so I encourage you all to come
if you can.  We will be meeting at exploration acres at around 7:00 pm.
 You are also welcome to bring any friends with you to the maze, just be
sure to sign them up on the sheet.  This is just supposed to be a fun
social event so we could get to know each other more, and I am really
excited to see you all there.

If you have any questions send me an email!


Emily Briggs
Engineers Without Borders Event Planner
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