[Ewb-list] Grad Student Dissertation

cverhoff at purdue.edu cverhoff at purdue.edu
Sun Oct 28 15:56:43 EDT 2012

Hi EWBers,

Below is an email from a grad student in engineering education who is completing his dissertation, and looking for students to talk to about their learning experiences. Take a look if it interests you.

Chrissy Verhoff
Communications Manager


I am a graduate student in engineering education. I am looking for engineering undergraduate students to help me with my dissertation study on interdisciplinary learning experiences by attending a 60 minute interview. Your interdisciplinary experience can be courses, projects, or research. Upon completion of the interview, you will receive $10 cash.

Any information you provide will be confidential and will not be identifiable. Participation in the study is voluntary and you can withdraw at any time without penalty. You must be 18 or older to participate.

If you are interested in participating, please respond to the following short survey so I can have your contact information and get some idea on the interdisciplinary experience you’ve had. It takes 2-3 minutes to complete the survey. https://purdue.qualtrics.com/SE/?SID=SV_1YRpCaNyrGUUeqM

Feel free to email me if you have questions at mhsu at purdue.edu.

Thank you very much for considering to participate in my study!

Ming-Chien Hsu

School of Engineering Education

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