[Ewb-list] New Project and Elections!!

cverhoff at purdue.edu cverhoff at purdue.edu
Mon Nov 26 13:08:34 EST 2012

Hi EWBers,

We hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving break, and to start things back up again, there is some very exciting news to share! Both our Honduras and Uganda project applications were submitted over break, and we've been assigned a project. The project we've been assigned is...*drum roll*....the Uganda, Nakyenyi bio-digester project!! This means that we can start work on our new project, and begin planning our first assessment trip to Uganda. To read the full congratulations email, see below! But before we start work on the new project, we need to have elections!

Everyone interested to run for a position should be prepared to give a 5 minute speech about why they want to hold the desired position and their qualifications. Only members that have been with EWB for more than one semester can run. Positions available are President and Vice President. If you can not make it and would still like to run, write a paragraph to explain why you want to run, and what position you’re going for and Sara will read it aloud at the meeting. If you are choosing not to run, please still be present to vote for next semester's President and Vice President! The meeting will be this *****Wednesday, the 26th, at 7:00pm in ME 2061*****. 

Chrissy Verhoff
Communications Manager

From: Gretchen Smithwick [ mailto:gretchen.smithwick at ewb-usa.org ] 
Sent: Friday, November 16, 2012 2:26 PM 
To: ryan.luckie at gmail.com ; busodac at yahoo.com 
Cc: ssmcmullen at purdue.edu ; tanselm at purdue.edu ; cbreinling at whitakerengineering.com ; rbeadle at eraconsultants.com ; Schweitzer, Mary; blatch at purdue.edu 
Subject: EWB-USA New Community Program - Chapter Approved (Uganda, Nakyenyi - Purdue University) 

Dear Nakyenyi Community Members / BUSODA (Buddu Social Development Association) / Peace Corps Uganda, 

Congratulations! The Purdue University Chapter of EWB-USA has been approved to partner with your community on your approved EWB-USA program. This is now an official EWB-USA program and you may begin planning the first assessment trip with this chapter. Attached you will find the application submitted by the chapter, which will give you a brief introduction to their background. I have copied you on another e-mail which was sent to notify the chapter. 

Communication with the EWB-USA Chapter 

>From this point on, the Purdue University Chapter of EWB-USA will be your primary point of contact for this project. Tyler Anselm , is the project lead and will be your main contact person within the chapter. He is also copied on this e-mail ( tanselm at purdue.edu ). I suggest you get in contact with each other as soon as possible to begin discussing the background of the first proposed project and to prepare for the first assessment trip. Although the majority of your communication should be directly with the chapter, you can always contact me if you have any questions or need clarification. 

First Assessment Trip 

The purpose of the first assessment trip is to gather sufficient information to allow the chapter to a) assess the economic, social, environmental and technical viability of the project b) assess project sustainability; the potential for the project to last long-term, c) make a “go/no go” decision about continuing with the project, d) enable future design and analysis of the proposed infrastructure at the site and e) serve as baseline data for monitoring and evaluation of the project in the future. 

Congratulations on this exciting news and best of luck to your community and the Purdue University Chapter of EWB-USA. 


Gretchen Smithwick 

Project Coordinator 

Engineers Without Borders USA 

4665 Nautilus Ct, Suite 300 

Boulder, CO 80301 

Direct Line: 720-204-3218 

ewb-usa.org | Facebook | Twitter 

EWB-USA's Regional Conferences are just around the corner. LOCATE a conference near you and REGISTER today! 

EWB-USA wants to hear from YOU! Tell us what you really think about the EWB-USA project process: http://www.surveymonkey.com/s/TellEWB 

<502 - Uganda, Nakyenyi - Purdue U - 12.2012.doc> 

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