[Ewb-list] Fall Callout and More!

Krysten Mah mahk at purdue.edu
Mon Sep 5 19:13:53 EDT 2011

Hello EWB!

I hope you all had a nice long weekend!
This is just a notice that our fall callout is THIS WEDNESDAY, SEPT. 7th at 7PM in ME 1061.
If you have any friends that are interested in learning more about our club, please let them know about this callout. Free pizza and drinks will be provided! Please help spread the word about our amazing organization!

Also, our first general meeting will be Tuesday, Sept. 13th at 7pm in ME 2053! We will be discussing the project, our plans for EWB this semester, and officer elections.
Mark it in your calendars and we hope to see you all there!


Krysten Mah
Events and Publicity Officer
Engineers Without Borders
Purdue University

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