[Ewb-list] This Weeks EWB Meetings!!

DavidKoelle davidkoelle at gmail.com
Mon Oct 24 23:17:46 EDT 2011

Hello all EWBers,


Tuesday - No Pump design meeting again this week. We are still waiting on
info from EIA.


Wednesday - This week we will be having a General Meeting for all to
attend!! I was hoping to have it this Wednesday at 7pm, in the usual room ME
2053. Please everyone try to make it, (ESPECIALLY OFFICERS) These are our
times to get everyone back in the group and aware of whats going on
throughout the organization. 


Thursday - We will also be having the regular meeting of the Concrete tank
design team this Thursday again at 7pm and in ME 2053. Everyone interested
in design phases try to attend. If you are part of the pump design team you
can still come to the tank design meetings. 


David Koelle

(224) 305-1576

DavidKoelle at gmail.com


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