[Ewb-list] Meeting Minutes

David Koelle dkoelle at purdue.edu
Mon Oct 3 08:25:44 EDT 2011

Hello all EWBers!!


Attached to this email is last Tuesdays Meeting minutes. We had our
elections last week and we just want to thank everyone who applied, and
congratulations to everyone that won. The members that will be hopefully
taking over next semester are:

.        President - Carlos Blanco

.        Vice President - Kim Reppa

.        Secretary - Mary Boyne

.        Events/Publicity - Chloe Heinen

.        Communications (aka Brand Manager) - Chrissy Verhoff

And joining the design team leaders are:

.        Design Team Leaders - Sarah (tanks) and Tyler (pumps)

As of now our scheduled meeting times will start to change. It will be
important for everyone to stay current with your email as this will be the
primary means for setting up new meetings and sharing information. General
Meetings will no longer be held every Tuesday, future meetings will be
determined later, but no general meeting this week. In place of the general
meeting, different sub committees will be meeting throughout the week. 


So far this week only our design teams will be meeting, if you're on the
design team, you should pick one that you can attend each week. Right now
our designs will be broken up into pump design and the concrete tank design.


Tuesday 7pm - Pump Design Team Meeting - ME 2053

Thursday 7pm - Concrete Tank Design Team Meeting - Location not yet


Those of you not on the design team - keep an eye out for future emails
about meeting times.


Thanks everyone for continuing to stick with us!



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