[Ewb-list] EWB Meeting Summary

logan kearney lkearney at purdue.edu
Fri Feb 11 21:39:40 EST 2011

Hello, and thanks to everyone who was able to attend the meeting on
Wednesday night you can disregard the next portion of this email.  Everyone
who was not able to attend but is still interested here is the important
information. Club dues need to be collected as soon as possible, it is $30
for membership through next fall and $20 for the semester. After receiving
dues we will send you a link to sign up to the EWB national directory. The
club is comprised of several sub-committees; Treasury, Events and Design
Team. The treasury is lead by Peter Rodgers and it is responsible for
managing the money, applying for grants and interfacing with potential
sponsors. Events Chair Krysten Mah prepares all the club relevant events
such as callouts and fundraisers. Finally the design team works with
professionals and our technical advisors to complete the necessary technical
documents for submittal to EWB national. Please do not feel limited to one
area of the club as you can work on multiple aspects if you so choose. EWB
is a club for any student from academic background. If  you have a
preference please contact the sub-committee leader you want to work with and
let them know. Treasurer - prodgers at purdue.edu, Event Chair -
mahk at purdue.edu, Design Team - gravesw at purdue.edu. We are open to changing
the meeting date or time around to fit everyone's schedule better. Below is
a link that will allow you to vote on a preferred day and time during the
week. Please participate so we can have maximum involvement in our meetings
from out members.  Thanks and we hope to hear from you soon.

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