[Ewb-list] Meeting Thur, 9/9

vhuang at purdue.edu vhuang at purdue.edu
Wed Sep 1 19:59:16 EDT 2010

Hey Everyone,

Thanks to all who came to the callout today! We are having a general meeting 
next week.

Date: Thursday, September 9th
Time: 6:00pm - 7:00pm
Where: ME117

At this meeting we will discuss more about the different committees in EWB, 
break into committees, and get to work! If you can't make it to meetings but 
still want to know how you can get involved, send me an email.

I realized that I forgot to talk about dues at the callout, so for those of you 
who wanted to know, dues for a year are $30 and dues for a semester are $20. Let 
me know if you have any questions or want the power point from the callout.

Hope to see you next Thursday,
Tori Huang

VP of External Affairs
Engineers Without Borders
Purdue University
vhuang at purdue.edu

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