[Ewb-list] Working on Bolivia

Day, Alexander K daya at purdue.edu
Tue Jun 8 12:27:10 EDT 2010

Hey everyone,

I hope your all having a great summer! As many of you already know, the project implementation was pushed back to December after a conference call with our Professional Mentor and our Project Manager at EWB-USA.

There is a lot of work that has to be done before school starts so we're going to work on it every Tuesday and Thursday evening from 7PM to 8PM EST starting next week. We can meet at the GEP office in CIVL 1259 the first week and move it depending on what the group wants.

If you are not at Purdue and want to work on it with us, please join us on Skype by adding "Purdue Engineers Without Borders" to your contacts or send me an email.

I hope the rest of your summer goes great! More people working on this will mean a better design and speedier delivery of a water system to Papachacra!


Alexander Day
EWB-Purdue, President
GEP, Student Aid

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