[Ewb-list] FW: International opportunity for engineers, architects, and urban planners

Day, Alexander K daya at purdue.edu
Fri Jun 4 17:18:15 EDT 2010

From: Rebecca Komarek [mailto:rebecca.komarek at gmail.com]
Sent: Thursday, June 03, 2010 8:52 AM
To: EWBUIC at listserv.uic.edu; Alex.Williams at valpo.edu; Day, Alexander K; fcdavidhsu at gmail.com; lipscojl at rose-hulman.edu; v-palmer at northwestern.edu; william-fan at northwestern.edu; Dhara Shah; Emily DeBisschop; Jason Lotter
Cc: Lara Gallant
Subject: International opportunity for engineers, architects, and urban planners

Hello EWB students! Please see this opportunity below. If you have questions, direct them to Lara Gallant (lcgallant at gmail.com<mailto:lcgallant at gmail.com>) and tell her you got the information from me, Becky Komarek.

Chapter presidents, please forward to your membership.

Everyone, please feel free to forward the information to anyone who might be interested.

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Lara Gallant <lcgallant at gmail.com<mailto:lcgallant at gmail.com>>
Date: Thu, Jun 3, 2010 at 11:35 AM
Subject: Fwd: Now Accepting Applications-TAP-YTL: Sustainable Architecture & Urban Planning, Sept. 19-27, Germany
To: Rebecca Komarek <rebecca.komarek at gmail.com<mailto:rebecca.komarek at gmail.com>>

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Transatlantic Program-Young Technology Leaders (TAP-YTL):

Sustainable Architecture & Urban Planning

Professional development for young leaders - meet thought leaders, top architects, technology providers and see first-hand how Germany is crafting new communities and energy efficient spaces for living and working

Sept. 19-27, 2010
Application Deadline: June 16, 2010

The German American Chamber of Commerce of the Midwest (GACCoM) is now accepting applications from students and young professionals for "2010 TAP-YTL: Sustainable Architecture and Urban Planning." The program will bring together 12 young leaders with technical backgrounds for an intensive 8-day visit to Germany, September 19-27, 2010. It will provide participants with an opportunity to meet top innovative thinkers, architects, and technology providers that will enhance their professional development and enable them to witness first-hand Germany's leading role in crafting new communities and energy efficient spaces for living and working. Destinations include cutting-edge sustainable architecture and urban planning hotspots: Berlin, Hamburg, Cologne and Freiburg. The agenda will consist of site-visits and presentations, personal interaction with innovative companies and industry leaders, networking functions with peers, cross-cultural training and language building activities. Applicants must be from the field relevant to the focus of the trip, interested in modern Germany and have a basic knowledge of the language. Please see the attached application package for details.
TAP-YTL's overall goal is to bring future decision makers from the US and Germany together at the beginning of their professional careers or late in their studies, to build networks and promote know-how transfer through intensive, content-driven encounters and experiences. TAP-YTL takes place under the patronage of Dr. Klaus Scharioth, German Ambassador to the United States.

2010 TAP-YTL Eligibility Requirements:

++ Young Professionals and Students from the field of "Sustainable Architecture & Urban Planning" ++
++ Basic Knowledge of German - German majors and minors are welcome! ++
++ Interest in modern Germany ++

++ Apply by June 16, 2010 ++

Please print our attached flyer and pass this information on to potential candidates in your organization and encourage them to apply. We encourage our TAP partners and Alumni to spread the word to their networks as well.

Please contact Daniela Daus (daus at gaccom.org<mailto:daus at gaccom.org> or 312-494-2177) with any questions you might have or to register interest in the program.


Daniela Daus

Consulting Events Coordinator

German American Chamber of Commerce of the Midwest, Inc. - GACCoM
401 N. Michigan Avenue, Suite 3330 | Chicago, Illinois 60611-4212
Tel.: (312) 494-2177 | Fax : (312) 644-0738
Email: daus at gaccom.org<mailto:daus at gaccom.org>
URL : www.gaccom.org<http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?et=1103365419831&s=9636&e=001s3jAVFNJ7HJVZGeWua3M-fMcMorowRc1tS6zvXCxoAlu79GmSihJ81f3H899HzgmP_WKD9OsTdi0GbE5u4HMu5hGcnrfWtg7ZOPvzaxt-oM7bCgbTIWK3eFxViP5e1B3eaEmsn79Lp-TkZXXGveLxQ==> | www.ahk-usa.de<http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?et=1103365419831&s=9636&e=001s3jAVFNJ7HJLBKlPtqKP12LvS9NnYTv4s1EL0a8-PiyCn-at6XymX4WAc08hJQ_2nhLUcO0ENhcrRCOgAU11cnpYJHDXwpsx_rjoanWeOkMEVT8zFqRUn6DF_QyajF1Is7EvbwK0-QzI0tYz2Q_d4Q==> | www.ahk.de<http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?et=1103365419831&s=9636&e=001s3jAVFNJ7HI8B3lN1zvkWUTS2mVNXzbcWzBaozrONpTzZXzP3meYYwbaOHGNIi6C_N3MxCkj8MMSQATObNFMbk9ruPJmmkh3RpymmKunZ2W3gUZEgcKLZqbXvcAHGf9sKH5bZZztBbO_4j1A677LYA==> | www.transatlanticprogram.org<http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?et=1103365419831&s=9636&e=001s3jAVFNJ7HKtEyZUAhX4BxtYAY5pLuE1_s_x-1N1umEDtbkPOxqPKU2DdpEWbqx-2UgJloRyx7GnFpTRabB1-cejQLd_0ljuRg0vedz8SzEEn03vkTPdmA4DcsX8i5Nh>

The German Federal Ministry of Economics and Technology (BMWi) generously finances TAP-YTL with funds from its European Recovery Program (ERP).

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