[Ewb-list] Project status update & Meeting reminder

Day, Alexander K daya at purdue.edu
Wed Jul 21 17:21:22 EDT 2010

Hi everyone,

Sorry about the late reminder. There is indeed a meeting tonight at 7 in GEP.

Status Update:

We now have less than 2 months (10-15 meetings) to finish the 525 Pre Implementation Application if we want to be able to provide clean water to Papachacra this winter. That includes the 523 Alternatives Analysis, the 524 Preliminary Design report, and the completed design, work schedule, and health and safety report required by the 525 Preimplementation Report.

We now have a near complete concept of the design we would like to use:

Elevate FPS Spring box to make up for pressure lost due to long distance.
We will not use Spring 2 because although it would contribute 7000L/ day, we would have to install 250 m of piping, a powerful pump, and a reliable power source 6 km away from the village.
The Tree Spring produces about 17,000 L/ day which will meet our goal so we will put in a spring box and build a water tower to provide pressure. We are now looking into a sustainable way to get the water into the water tower, land electric, wind, or playground equipment.

Up Next:

Design new spring boxes, determine size and placement of reservoirs, and find routes for new piping.

Stay tuned for the next exciting installment of the Real Thirsty World: Papachacra.

Meeting Briefs:

On Monday, we decided that we will only meet twice a week, on Mondays and Wednesdays, for 1.5 hours if we can get enough done.

Tonight, we will be finishing the 523, starting the 524, and deciding what work we have to do individually before our next meeting on Monday. A CE grad student will be helping us tonight and a Professor will be joining us every Wednesday starting next week to give us some advise.

See you then.
Alexander Day
EWB-Purdue, President
GEP, Student Aid

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