[Ewb-list] Fwd: spring2010-ce-29000-001 seminar announcements

Chao Hao Kevin Lee lee445 at purdue.edu
Tue Jan 26 23:27:13 EST 2010

From: spring2010-ce-29000-001-bounces at lists.purdue.edu
[spring2010-ce-29000-001-bounces at lists.purdue.edu] On Behalf Of Marika Santagata
[mks at ecn.purdue.edu]
Sent: Tuesday, January 26, 2010 3:15 PM
To: spring2010-ce-29000-001 at lists.purdue.edu;
spring2010-ce-58000-001 at lists.purdue.edu
Subject: spring2010-ce-29000-001 seminar announcements

Attached please find announcements for two seminars on Haiti earthquake
(today and tomorrow) that may be of interest to you.
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