[Ewb-list] EWB Exponent Fundraiser

ander107 at purdue.edu ander107 at purdue.edu
Tue Feb 2 22:44:13 EST 2010

Hi everybody,

We have another opportunity to raise money for the club.  We were  
unable to get enough people for the Exponent stuffing on the 5th, so  
we can try again for February 12th.  We need 5 people to come stuff  
flyers into copies of the Exponent at the Exponent's office building.   
This will help out the club quite a bit and really isn't that much  
work.  The only drawback is that it's at 12:45 AM.  I realize that's a  
strange time but it should only last 2 hours.  You will get at least  
double points for this, so please consider it.  It might actually be  
fun and I might provide some form of caffeine.  If you're interested  
or have any questions please email me preferably before Friday the 5th.


Evan Anderson
Sophomore - Materials Science and Engineering
Vice President of Finance - Engineers Without Borders

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