[Ewb-list] Meeting tomorrow and Digital National Geographic download- "Water: Our Thirsty World"

Day, Alexander K daya at purdue.edu
Wed Apr 7 14:19:10 EDT 2010

Hey everyone,

There's going to be a chapter meeting tomorrow at 6PM in BRNG B230 where we will discuss progress on the project, fundraising, upcoming events, and other important announcements. Afterwards, the various committees will meet to work on their various tasks.

This month's National Geographic covers the usage of water around the world. There are great articles and figures that help convey the dramatic shortages and excesses across the globe. I had wanted to share the hardcopy of this issue with you, but someone showed me this digital version and it's perfect.

I hope you enjoy it and I'll see you at the meeting,

Alexander Day
President, Engineers Without Borders
Undergraduate Student Aid, Global Engineering Program
Purdue University
Civil Engineering Building, Room 1259
daya at purdue.edu

From: ProjectWet [mailto:projectwet at dnr.IN.gov]
Sent: Wednesday, April 07, 2010 1:33 PM

Subject: FREE Digital National Geographic download- "Water: Our Thirsty World"

I wanted to let you all know about the National Geographic magazine this month called  "Water: Our Thirsty World.  It hit newsstands March 30th.

This single-topic issue of National Geographic magazine highlights the challenges facing our most essential natural resource.  This is a great issue and I encourage all of you to pick up a hard copy, however  "Water: Our Thirsty World" is available for a free download through April 9, 2010.  Click on the link below to get your free download through zino.com http://newsletters.nationalgeographic.com/PS!/pumIInUVYQFBgIAAAAGCgFICgg2OTMxMjU1MgoKMjg3Mzg2NjA3NwkAP+hOCgk1MTY2ODg1NjUF
This interactive edition presents complete content from the print edition, plus extra photo galleries, rollover graphics that animate features like maps and time lines, video profiles of photographers who contributed to the issue, and other interactive features.  It is really awesome!!

I hope you all take advantage of this free download.  It is fantastic!


Angie Tilton
Indiana Project WET Coordinator
NREC- Ft Harrison State Park
5785 Glenn Road
Indianapolis, IN 46216-1066
317-562-0790 fax
projectwet at dnr.in.gov<blocked::mailto:projectwet at dnr.in.gov>

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