[ESW] ELECTIONS TUESDAY 12/4, Engineers for a Sustainable World

Christian D Cambron ccambron at purdue.edu
Thu Nov 29 17:03:32 EST 2018

Hi again! We will have elections Tuesday, December 4th, in Beering 1230 at 7:30 (same time and place as normal). Please note that this is NEXT week, not two weeks away as our meetings usual go.

The two positions that are up for grabs are Vice President and Treasurer (you will be elected on Tuesday and then you will serve in the spring semester and the fall semester, for a full year essentially). The reason our current VP and Treasurer can't keep their positions in the spring is that they're both going on Study Abroad trips. So don't let something like that stop you from running!

Vice President: the vice president serves to help the president in their duties, along with the smaller but important tasks of getting food for the meetings and organizing football recycling (which will not apply in the Spring).
Treasurer: responsible for the finances of the club, including getting reimbursements for food and for paying the ESW National membership which is an annual thing.

On election night, you will just get up and say a little speech about who you are and why you think you should be elected to the position, and then we will have the elections on the spot! Even if you can't make it to the meeting and you want to run, you can send me a video or a few paragraphs to show/read on your behalf. Last year I had an exam when I ran for president so I sent my blurb to Pranjal and he read it for me. You CAN run for both positions (and win one), so you can lose one election and win another, that kind of thing!

Here's why you should run:

1.) We are a small but growing club and we have an ambitious spring semester on the way. You can have a front-row seat and a strong influence on the goings-on of the club.
2.) It is rare to have such quick access to the executive board in a club, and it is to your benefit to take advantage of that mobility. For example, in the spring semester I was a general member.
3.) The time commitment is minimal and most of what you do will be interesting and fun! As Pranjal mentioned in our meeting Tuesday, you need around 2-4 hours per month for your scheduled responsbilities (general meeting and executive board meeting, one hour each) and then less than an hour a week for everything else. You can choose to spend your time on whichever projects you prefer. What we do MATTERS, and if you truly believe that you can easily make changes here at Purdue.
4.) As any exec member of any club will tell you, it does look good on a resume (sigh).

If you are even considering running, you should do it! If have any questions about the positions, contact me or Pranjal (the current VP) or Adrian (the current Treasurer) or Cassidy (our current secretary) and we can tell you a little bit more about what they entail.

Enjoy the rest of your week!


Christian Cambron

Purdue University Class of 2020

Bachelor's Candidate for Environmental and Ecological Engineering & Spanish Language and Culture

Purdue Exponent, Assistant Campus Editor

Engineers for a Sustainable World, President

ccambron at purdue.edu
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