[ESW] ESW Post Meeting Wrap Up - 2/14

Kevin Antonio Murcia-Barrios kmurciab at purdue.edu
Fri Feb 23 13:44:42 EST 2018

Hey everybody,

After the conclusion of another meeting, I'm here to bring you some of the important takeaways:


  *   Bikes and Smoothies
     *   As of right now we're looking for a new project leader, someone to take charge and make sure this project continues to move forward. If you're interested let someone know by email or mention it on the GroupMe.
  *   Granite Recycling
     *   The Granite project is making plenty of headway right now. All we need right now is to get signatures. I've attached the petition form<https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1tkhlffT7DJFMGn6gW_XNz1HwfQYgLkV8u5mqSmHHdOM/edit#gid=0> to this email, so if you have time, get some signatures so we can make sure this project becomes a reality.

We're looking for a new SSC representative. This is not a board position, but it is still a great opportunity to put on a resume or the like. Its a pretty low effort obligation. Once a month, you'll have to attend the Student Sustainability Council meetings making sure to plug our stuff and mentioning any events we might have. If you're interested let someone know by email or mention it on the GroupMe.

Open Board Position
Keeping up with the current theme of this email, we're also looking for a new club secretary. This is a board position so you'll get all the perks that come along with it like attending board meetings and joining the coveted ESW board GroupMe. The position mainly requires you to update and keep track of the GroupMe and email list. You'll also have to take minutes during the meetings and write out reports or emails much like this one. More info will be given at the next meeting so if you're interested please attend.

Next meeting will be at BRNG B230 at 6:30 PM Wednesday, February 28.  Hope to see you all there!

Kevin Murcia
Purdue University | Class of 2020
Computer Science
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