[ESW] Tailgate Recycling Attendance. Responses Mandatory

Kevin Antonio Murcia-Barrios kmurciab at purdue.edu
Tue Feb 6 16:34:19 EST 2018

Hey y'all,

Late breaking news but we are currently in trouble with the team behind Tailgate Recycling. In order to get our funding, we need to provide a solid record of all our members who attended. Unfortunately, that is the one thing we don't have. So it is important, nay critical, that all members who attended Tailgate Recycling events during 2017 home football games fill out this form here https://goo.gl/forms/EsZKdhjvsubAKvdK2 by tonight!


Tailgate Recycling Attendance<https://goo.gl/forms/EsZKdhjvsubAKvdK2>
We need to get paid for this and in order to do so and continue working with them the upcoming years we need to get a record of which games people worked. So please help us out if did go

It's short and you don't need to be 100% accurate, just give a rough estimate if you can't remember exactly.

Thanks everyone,

Kevin Murcia
Purdue University | Class of 2020
Engineers for a Sustainable World | Secretary
Computer Science
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