[ESW] ESW Post-Meeting Wrap Up 10/18

Kevin Antonio Murcia-Barrios kmurciab at purdue.edu
Sun Oct 22 22:04:43 EDT 2017

Hey everybody,

After an another (allegedly) great meeting, I'm here to bring you some of the important takeaways from it. There is a lot of important info this week so read on:

Tailgating Recycling
Tailgating recycling continues this Saturday. You know the deal, pass out recycling bags during the tailgate and get free stuff.  We know the link we've used in the past is unavailable, but if you still want to sign up then you can here<https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1gmaMLfsoKwTZvn88hQlFSI28E48w5pXVZqmrOqbfWvk/edit?usp=sharing>. If you have any question or can't attend after signing up (but really do try if you sign up) , then contact Cassidy (brow1184 at purdue.edu) or post them on the GroupMe.

We currently have some projects in the works:

  *   We're revamping our Solar Kiosk. We're adding things like a new inverter and a wooden casings as well as trying to give it a permanent place in Purdue.
  *   Granite Recycling lead by Christian and Camila. They are getting in touch with a professor who can turn plastic bags into usable fibers. Once this project gets rolling, they plan on taking it to Granite, one of the largest off-campus housing companies here at Purdue.
  *   Recycling Initiative (name is a work in progress) whose main purpose is to improve recycling throughout campus by informing others on what can and cannot be recycled. The plan is to design posters and place them on recycling cans around Purdue. We even have more creative efforts still on the planning board.

There is more info on the GroupMe and we will be discussing more on each project in the next meetings.

Green Week
Purdue will be hosting a series of speakers and different lectures to help get us all motivated to save the planet.  Green week will begin this Tuesday with a screening of the documentary "Before the Flood". I've also attached several flyers with more information. Here's the link to the full week's schedule: https://www.purdue.edu/sustainability/news/greencampus/GreenWeek/index.html
Green Week 2016 - Office of University Sustainability<https://www.purdue.edu/sustainability/news/greencampus/GreenWeek/index.html>
Check out all of the awesome happening at Green Week this year starting on October 24!

Friday Night Lights
FNL has begun! Sign up here<https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1AkfT_ktAznslDXyQBfG-s5CA16EYhVCLpd_bm9xoSmw/edit#gid=0>

Bee Farm
We're going back to the bee farm! Mindy Appold has called on us to volunteer once more this Saturday November 4 at the bee farm. She's looking to close the garden down for the winter as well as with weeding, laying mulch, cleaning up for fall,  and more fun stuff. If you're interested, then you can sign up here<https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScVnFS9EjO714d9HKbHfWn7Z5iGL8QPScesUhsnckrgPml7Mg/viewform?usp=sf_link>.

New Projects/Events Ideas
We're always looking for new projects. If you have any ideas let us know. To submit an idea, write up a formal project submission including why, when, how, amount of money and manpower required, and a plan of action. For more info contact Pranjal (pmaheshk at purdue.edu).

Club Social
We have a social in the works. Stay tuned for more info soon!

Next meeting will be at BRNG B230 at 6:00 PM Wednesday, November 1.  Hope to see you all there!

Kevin Murcia
Purdue University | Class of 2020
Engineers for a Sustainable World | Secretary
Computer Science

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