[ESW] ESW Updates

Genevieve Marie Willman gwillman at purdue.edu
Mon Sep 19 20:41:26 EDT 2016

Hi team!

Hope you're having a lovely Monday! Thank you to those who attended our first general meeting last week! We have just a few updates from ESW Exec.

We are working on a tour of the ReNEWW House near campus. Let us know if there are any events that you really want to see ESW do! We are always open to suggestions!

If you are interested in Solar Kiosk go to STEW B2E tomorrow at 11:30! Jackson will be there taking a look at the kiosk in our storage!

As a reminder, to officially be a member of ESW you must attend 2 of our general meetings and volunteer for 3 football recycling days. Below is the link to sign up for football recycling. We need at least 10-12 people per game to raise the necessary funds for ESW to be ESW. FREE FOOD, FOOTBALL TICKET, AND DRINKS INSIDE THE STADIUM. So sign up!


Have a great rest of your week!

ESW Exec

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