[ESW] Meeting this Week & Election Intents

Elizabeth Leigh Geller egeller at purdue.edu
Sun Mar 22 16:34:54 EDT 2015

Hello ESW, 

I hope everyone had a fun and relaxing spring break! We will meet this coming Tuesday, March 24th at 7:30-8:30pm in ME 2063. 

We have some exciting event announcements that will be revealed at the meeting including an upcoming facility tour and our SSC speaker. 

Also, please email me by March 24th if you are planning to run for an officer position . Elections will be March 31st. All positions are listed below and there are some that are still uncontested! 

- President 
- Vice President 
- Treasurer 
- Events Coordinator 
- Fundraising Coordinator 
- Public Relations & Marketing Coordinator 
- Student Sustainability Council Representative 

Let me know if you have any questions. 


Elizabeth Geller 
President, ESW-Purdue 
School of Chemical Engineering 
Purdue University 
egeller at purdue.edu 
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