[ESW] ESW Upcoming Events and Project Meetings

Olivia K Steele osteele at purdue.edu
Mon Feb 2 01:24:12 EST 2015

Hey ESW! 

Welcome new members and welcome back returning members! In this email, I'm including emails/meeting times for projects as well as our upcoming events. 

Rain Garden - nlabrech at purdue.edu 

-This project is currently scoping out a location. They will be driving around Elliot Ditch watershed. Fill out this doodle poll to come along and help http://doodle.com/h69qngw57v6z7zd6 . 
-Next meeting is February 24th at 5 PM 
Sustainable Mindset - osteele at purdue.edu 

- Next meeting will be Thursday Feb 5 at 6:30 PM in BRNG 1232 and we're having a bag making party! 
-Looking especially for students who live in the dorms 

Solar Kiosk - tstemnoc at purdue.edu 

-Next meeting will be Wednesday Feb 4 at 6:30 in ME2053 

Autoswitch - may31 at purdue.edu 

-A doodle poll for the first meeting is going out! Contact Charlie if you want to be put on that mailing list. 

Upcoming Events 

    • General Meeting - Tuesday Feb. 3 at 7:30 PM in ME2063 
    • Ice Skating Social - Sunday Feb 15 at 3:30 PM 

        • Meeting at the Riverside Skating Center. No experience or skates necessary! The cost is $5/person + $3 for skate rental. Stay as long as you can, and bring some money to eat afterwards if you would like. 
        • 100 Tapawingo Drive North 

See you on Tuesday! 

Olivia Steele 
Community Service and Events Coordinator 
Engineers for a Sustainable World 
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