[ESW] Green Opportunities on Campus

Elizabeth Leigh Geller egeller at purdue.edu
Wed Oct 15 20:01:32 EDT 2014

Hello ESW Members, 

Below are two great opportunities to strengthen your knowledge and skill-set within sustainability: The GREEN Program and a LEED Accreditation Program, see below.   

The GREEN Program: 
Every year, we bring the top environmentally minded students from 40 countries and 200 universities around the world together to travel with The GREEN Program to Iceland, Peru, and Philadelphia. On they program they dive into the renewable energy and sustainability industry while also participating in bucket-list adventure excursions. 

Let me know if you have any other questions, but in the meantime please feel free to share this opportunity with your members. Applications are rolling, and spots are filled on a first-come, first-serve basis. This program is open to all majors and disciplines as well. 

If any of your members apply for the December Winter Break program this week, I have arranged with our Director of Enrollment to have them set as priority applicants. If you would like to contact me via email, you can reach me directly at amanda at thegreenprogram.com


Amanda Crawford-Staub
University Enrollment Coordinator 
amanda at theGREENprogram.com
215 756 4053 | theGREENprogram.com


LEED Accreditation: 
In the past many students, staff and faculty in Engineers for a Sustainable World at other schools have benefited from this training and my intent is to make sustainable education affordable and available to students across America. This course is a third of the price and a third of the time as the other options out there and maintains a 100% pass rate for the actual exam.

Subject: Become LEED Accredited! - Invitation to Engineers for a Sustainable World – for distribution

When: October 22nd 2014 – 5:30PM to 10:00 PM
Where: Purdue University - Electrical Engineering Building - Room 117 - https://goo.gl/maps/IXmFK
Registration: http://leadinggreen.ca/Purdue
Interested in getting involved in the Green Building Industry? Opportunities are plentiful in the field of sustainable design and LEED is at its forefront.
LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) is simply a green-rating point system, or a scorecard. The more energy efficient and sustainable a building is, the more points it will earn. To date, this course and its materials have proven to be instrumental in helping over 1500 students pass their respective exam at a 100% pass rate. This course is offered at a quarter of the price and time as the competition and is geared at allowing students to graduate with letters after their name!
Just as Buildings can be LEED certified, people in the sustainable construction industry can become LEED Professionals. The LEED Green Associate (GA) credential is the only entry level sustainability designation and shows employers and clients that you have certified knowledge in the green building industry.  A new LEED rating system (v4) was introduced last month and this training course is one of the few that has been updated to teach the current rating system. This course meets the exam’s eligibility requirements and the USGBC charges a $200 fee for the actual exam which can be taken at any time at your nearest Prometric center.
Cost: $300 ($200 for full time students)

To register for the class please visit: http://leadinggreen.ca/Purdue

You can register via PayPal or RSVP your attendance by registering at the bottom of the page


Feel free to contact us at any time if you have any questions.

Lorne Mlotek BASc., LEED AP BD+C, O+M
President, LeadingGreen
info at leadinggreen.ca

Elizabeth Geller
Undergraduate Student 
School of Chemical Engineering
Purdue University 
egeller at purdue.edu

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