[ESW] Meeting Minutes - Event Sign Ups

Elizabeth Leigh Geller egeller at purdue.edu
Thu Oct 9 13:48:13 EDT 2014

Hey ESW Members, 

Thanks to those of you who came to the general meeting last night, it was great seeing all of you. Please review the attached minutes for what we went over at the meeting and for all event sign-ups including: Green Week Events, Football Composting, Winterization, and Friday Night Lights. 

The E-Waste event has been moved and will take place in late November instead of during Green Week, so please sign-up for our other events during Green Week!

Let me know if you have any questions. 

Thank you,

Elizabeth Geller
President, ESW-Purdue 
School of Chemical Engineering
Purdue University 
egeller at purdue.edu 
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