[ESW] Upcoming Events

Olivia Kay Steele osteele at purdue.edu
Mon Mar 3 20:01:00 EST 2014

Hey ESW! 

Projects sound like they are going great, and we have some super cool events coming up on campus too! I highlighted 

    • March 5 - Chasing Ice 

        • Come see this beautifully done documentary about a man's goal to follow melting glaciers before they are gone. You can watch the trailer here . We will be in PHYS 112 at 6:30 . We're sharing this event with Purdue Energy Forum and the Student Sustainability Council. There will be lots of FREE PIZZA and friends from all across the green community. We will also be showing live tweets during the movie so break out your phones for this one. 
March 12 - Student Sustainability Council 

        • The Student Sustainability Council is meeting at 5:30 PM. ESW is a member organization and all of you are welcome to attend the meeting. It's a truly inspiring group of people. This next meeting we will have the opportunity to brainstorm with Purdue big wigs about what we would like to see done about sustainability at Purdue. Here are the panelists: 

            • Michael Gulich, Office of University Sustainability 
            • Don Staley, Senior Landscape Architect 
            • Richard Johnson, University Policy Resources Committee/Sustainability Sub-Committee 
            • Dan Schuster, Senior Energy And Strategy Risk Analyst 
            • Leigh Raymond, Global Sustainability Institute/Center for the Environment 

April 11 -13 - ESW National Conference The National Conference is being held at Northwestern this year! We will be driving out Friday morning and Friday evening to participate . You won't have to miss classes anymore, but this is plenty of notice for professors if you want to be up there for activities on Friday night. It promises to be an amazing opportunity, so mark your calendars and make plans! Go here to register by the end of the week! We need to make hotel plans soon! We will be leaving on Friday and splitting the cost of hotel rooms for the two nights. Let us know! 

Other awesome events: 

    • March 28 - 30 

        • Green Building Council is hosting Lead LEED: The Next Generation . The conference held at Purdue will have speakers such as the writer of the most recent LEED standards and Mayor Dixon, the mayor of the greenest city in the world. The cost is $45 for students which includes a banquet meal. Click here to find more information and to register. 
Friday Night Lights! 

        • Every Friday you can volunteer to help turn out lights in buildings all over campus. It takes less than an hour and you get free Chipotle in the bargain. Sign up for a Friday here. 

See you Wednesday! 

Olivia Steele 

Community Service and Events Coordinator 

Engineers for a Sustainable World 
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