[ESW] ESW Meeting Tonight

Calvin Holic cholic at purdue.edu
Mon Sep 9 09:38:16 EDT 2013

Hey ESW!

We'll be having our first general body meeting of the year *today* at *
6:30PM* in *ME 1051*. We will be discussing all of our projects and
announcing upcoming events.

This year we are collecting membership dues of $15 per person (which
includes a t-shirt and ESW-National Membership). Information on paying dues
will be provided at the meeting. Note that today will be our last general
body meeting open to those who do not pay dues.

If you're unable to attend the meeting but are still interested, please
email me (Calvin Holic, cholic at purdue.edu) to express interest and ask any
questions you may have.

See you this evening!

*Calvin Holic*
Computer Engineering MS/PhD Student
Purdue University
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