ESE-faculty-list Understanding Standing Rock - Keystone Series World Cafe

Musser, Christal A. cmeinder at
Mon Mar 20 10:39:40 EDT 2017

ESE Students and Faculty,

Standing Rock, and the Dakota access pipeline which is currently being laid under the MIssouri River, has been a controversial project with environmental, social justice, and energy related elements. In an effort to better understand it, you (ESEers) voted to have Standing Rock as this year's topic for the fourth ESE Keystone Series<>. We invite you to register<> for both the upcoming events of the Keystone series;

1.      World Cafe - A series of small group discussions to gain knowledge and formulate questions to the upcoming panel (Open event but designed primarily for ESE).
Wednesday, March 22nd, 6:00 PM in HIKS B853

2.      Keystone Panel - A panel of varying expertise exploring the cultural, policy, economic, media and other elements of Standing Rock (Open to the public and webcast).
Tuesday, April 11th, 6:00 PM in PFEN 241

Click here to Register<>
Look forward to seeing you there,
The Keystone Leadership Team
P.S. If you are willing to volunteer as a facilitator for the World Cafe, please contact Charlotte (lee1876 at<mailto:lee1876 at>)
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