ESE-faculty-list AGRY544 Environmental Organic Chemistry will be taught this Fall 2017
Lee, Linda S
lslee at
Fri Mar 10 10:15:44 EST 2017
This course has been taught in even springs, but for several reasons involving other courses in AGRY, EEE, and CE, we would like to move it to Fall semester so that is what we are tying this year.
See below for a brief blurb. I can send you a tentative syllabus if needed to help you decide if you want to take this course.
TEXT: "Environmental Organic Chemistry" R.P. Schwarzenbach, P.M. Gschwend, and D. M. Imboden 3rd edition, 2017. Wiley-Interscience. (The required text will also be made available at the Life Sciences Library as needed)
Other materials: Approximately 20% of the material presented in this course may be derived from other materials which will be provided as needed in class, placed on Blackboard or on reserve in the Lilly Life Science Library.
Course Objective:
Learn the fundamental properties and processes responsible for the environmental fate of organic contaminants in aqueous and nonaqueous-phase liquids (e.g., fuels, chlorinated solvents, industrial and manufacturing residuals), and soils. Both conceptual and theoretical aspects will be covered as well as estimation, correlation, and measurement techniques.
Intended Audience: Designed as an advanced course for students in any field of environmental science where understanding and predicting the environmental fate of organic chemicals is desired.
Course Expectations: You are expected to turn in your assignments in a timely manner; abuse of grace time may result in a grade deduction for that assignment. You are expected to come to class prepared especially when assignments are followed up with in-class activities. You are expected to be an active participant in class and within your designated group during group activities.
Course Evaluation:
Homework/Case Study Participation 35% (8 to 10 study assignments plus case studies)
Exams (2) 40% (In class)
Final 25% (Likely take home)
Grade-scale: A+ (97-100); A (90-96); B+ (87-89); B (80-86); C+ (77-79); C (70-76); D (60-69); F (* 59)
Linda S. Lee
B480 Lilly Hall, West Lafayette, IN 47907; Office: (765) 494-8612; Cell (765) 414-3086; lslee at<mailto:lslee at>
Purdue University Dept. of Agronomy, Professor of Environmental Chemistry & Associate Head
Interdisciplinary Ecological Science & Engineering (ESE) Graduate Program, Program Head,<>
Division of Environmental Ecological Engineering, Faculty Affiliate
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