ESE-faculty-list FW: CALL FOR ABSTRACTS: EcoStream - Southeast Regional Stream Restoration Conference

Lee, Linda S lslee at
Wed Dec 16 08:32:04 EST 2015

Subject: CALL FOR ABSTRACTS: EcoStream - Southeast Regional Stream Restoration Conference

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[Image removed by sender. EcoStream_color2]

[Image removed by sender. Hellbender sm]

T-Shirt Design Contest

Now accepting t-shirt design submissions for the 2016 conference! The t-shirt will feature the winning design on the back with the EcoStream logo on the front. Designs must be your own artwork and include a hellbender and the words "EcoStream 2016: Ridgeline to Thalweg - Asheville, NC."

The winner will receive one free conference registration and have their design printed on the official EcoStream 2016 t-shirts! Submit entries to Julia Fiore<mailto:jcfiore at> by March 1, 2016. The winning entry will be selected by the conference planning committee and will be announced on March 15.

Be a Conference Sponsor

This event could not occur without the support of our sponsors. Please see our Sponsor page for more information on the different Sponsor Levels and to register.

Click here for Sponsor Information<>

Important Deadlines

Submit t-shirt designs by March 1 to be considered in the contest.

Submit your abstract<> by March 15 to be considered for placement in the program.

Lodging: Reserve your room<> by July 28 to obtain the Group Rate.

Registration Coming Soon!

Registration prices include full conference, field tours, and socials.
    - Regular Rate $475
    - Government/Non-profit Rate $325
    - Student Rate $175


·       Preliminary Agenda<>
·       Lodging<>
·       Sponsorship<>

Abstracts due March 15!

EcoStream 2016: Ridgeline to Thalweg
Stream Ecology & Restoration Conference
August 22-25 - Asheville, NC

The 2016 EcoStream Conference will focus on a holistic, watershed approach to stream ecology and restoration: Ridgeline to Thalweg. You are invited to submit abstracts for either oral or poster presentation.

Broad Topic Areas to Consider Include:

  *   Watershed Planning to Target Restoration Efforts
  *   Emerging Technologies
  *   Long-term Management of Restoration Efforts
  *   Innovative Design Approaches
  *   Habitat
  *   Performance Assessment
  *   Innovative Structures
  *   Nutrient Processing
  *   Recreation and Aesthetics
  *   Urban Stream Restoration
  *   Stormwater Management Trends and Influences on Stream Restoration
  *   Linking Restoration Goals to Functional Improvement
  *   Restoration Outcomes of Stream Mitigation
Click here for more info and to submit an abstract:


The EcoStream Conference Planning Committee is also seeking proposals for Special Sessions. A Special Session will present a relevant and timely subject, with researchers and practitioners discussing their work. Special Sessions will be concurrent oral sessions with three or four presentations per session covering 80 minutes.

Those interested in organizing and moderating a Special Session are requested to submit the information outlined below by March 1, 2016. Submissions must be e-mailed to bdoll at<mailto:mailto:bdoll at>.

  *   Title of proposed Special Session
  *   A description (limited to 300 words) stating the importance of the topic and the rationale for the proposed session
  *   If it is proposed that the special session cover more than 80 minutes, an explanation of the need for the extended period
  *   Organizer(s), including brief biography and contact information
  *   List of potential presenters and proposed titles of abstracts

Approved sessions will need to submit formal abstracts for each of the participants by June 1, 2016.

This conference is sponsored by:

  *   NC State University Stream Restoration Program<>
  *   NC Sea Grant<>
  *   NC Cooperative Extension<>

[Image removed by sender. NCSU logo]    [Image removed by sender. Sea Grant logo] <>     [Image removed by sender. NEW_EXT_LOGO_color200]

If you do not wish to receive future emails from Julia Fiore, click here to opt-out<,M1,0f1ae056-60a0-4ba8-9f56-385f87bba6dc>.

NCSU Stream Restoration Program | Campus Box 7625 | Raleigh | NC | 27695 | US | 919-515-6780

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