ESE-faculty-list FW: Yum! Brands Global Sustainability Challenge

Lee, Linda S lslee at
Thu Mar 8 12:04:48 EST 2012

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The Yum! Brands Global Sustainability Office invites your Undergraduate and Graduate students to submit business plans of outstanding sustainability innovation, related to our sustainability focus areas below, for a chance to win $20,000 in cash prizes in our first
ever Global Sustainability Challenge.

Yum! Brands Global Sustainability Focus Areas:

 *   Green Building Design & Construction
 *   Reduced Energy Consumption
 *   Reduced Water Consumption
 *   Sustainable Packaging
 *   Waste & Recycling

To learn more about Yum! and our sustainability efforts, click here<>.

For more information and official challenge rules, visit our challenge page<>.

A challenge announcement will be mailed to your office in the next few days with more information. If you would like a poster with challenge details for your student center or have any additional questions please contact us at globalsustainability at<mailto:%20globalsustainability at>.

We are looking forward to having your school participate in the challenge.

Thanking you in advance,

Yum! Brands Global Sustainability Office

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