ESE-faculty-list Invite: Keystone Series
Musser, Christal A.
cmeinder at
Fri Jan 20 13:34:52 EST 2012
ESE Faculty,
Sorry for the confusion and the links not working properly on the first email that I sent to you. Here is the web address for the Keystone Series regarding the Keystone XL Pipeline event we are planning for Jan. 25th.
Please RSVP if you plan to attend. No need to email me if you have already done so.
Thank you and have a great weekend.
Christal Musser
Program Coordinator
Ecological Sciences and Engineering
Interdisciplinary Graduate Program
Purdue University
Young Hall, Room 1048
155 S. Grant Street
West Lafayette, IN 47907
musser at<mailto:musser at><>
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