ESE-faculty-list HELP to Review ESE Applicants for Fall 2011

Lee, Linda S lslee at
Thu Jan 27 22:39:18 EST 2011

I am asking all ESE Faculty to help in reviewing our current applicant pool so please try to do your best to help where you can. Please try to do as many reviews as you can in the next 2 weeks.

Instructions (below and attached):
When you go to the website as noted below (under SharePoint Site), go to the Snapshot excel file in the “ESE 2011” folder and look for your name in the J column (labeled Faculty Preference). Names that appear in this column were provided by the applicant or were added based on another faculty’s review. If your name appears, I would like you to review the applicant. You may be one of those faculty that are listed frequently in which case please review as many as you can. The snapshot file should help you identify the ones you would prefer to review. Below as part of the SharePoint Site instructions are the questions you will be asked when doing a review.

I realize this process will take more effort than in previous years when we actually provided you with a list of applicants to review, but we are short staffed until we replace Brent’s position. We still have numerous applications in process and it has been hard to keep up with work load.

We have already made nominations to the Graduate School for the Carver PhD and Knox MS fellowships (deadline is/was Jan 28).  We can still process some nominations through some departments and colleges, but I need you to identify those you have great interest. There are also some fellowships available through the PCCRC (for PCCRC members only and with climate change relevance) – DUE Feb 1 to Rose Filley. The GS Fellows Manual provides the details on eligibility for the different fellowships.

In addition, ESE has 3 fellowships (two ESE-Lynn PhDs that are 1+3; and one Andrews or Purdue Doctoral that are 2+2). See details for the nomination process for the ESE fellowships at the end of this email. (I am currently aware of two applicants that faculty have informed me will be nominated for one of the ESE fellowships (as noted in the Snapshot excel file).

We need to move quickly to identify the best students that best align with your programs. I will be doing my best to make you aware of particular applicants that align well with each of your programs as I review the folders. Some of you have already gotten emails of such from me.

 SharePoint Site:

1.       When you Login you must put ONEPURDUE\ and then your log in name (same name and password as for all your other Purdue accounts)

2.       In the lower left is right column under “Site Hierarchy” go to the folder “ESE 2011”. For a quick review of applicants, there is a Snapshot spreadsheet (with a date) in this general ESE 2011 folder, which currently only includes app information we had through 1/27/11, but will continue to update regularly.

3.       Complete files are in the subfolder ‘Faculty review…’ and other applications that will soon be complete are in the subfolder ‘Preview…’.

To do a Applicant Review, continue with the following steps.

4.       Click on the application to review it.

5.       Then submit your review by going to “2011 Applicant Review” near the top of the right column. Then click on “Respond to Survey” (on upper bar), which will pull up a simple review sheet with a minimal number of entries and questions as follows:

Applicant Last Name *

Applicant First Name *

Based on your overall application review and experience with other graduate students, select the overall ranking below that best fits this applicant. *

Ranks in the top 10%

Ranks in the upper 25%

Above Average


Below Average

Recommend for admission to ESE program? *



Yes, with conditions

Specify your own value:

Please provide comments/reasons on your recommendation decision for this applicant:

Are you interested in this applicant for your lab, and if so, do you have funding to support this student?

Please list other faculty you feel may be interested in this student:

Additional Comments:

Fellowship Nominations
Email me (lslee at<mailto:lslee at>) right away of your interest and then move forward with an official nomination.
A complete nomination includes:

 *   A letter of nomination from the potential advisor (1 page).
 *   A full copy of the nominee’s Graduate School application.
 *   A statement indicating how you plan to support the student for two or three additional years (depends on which fellowship), which can include other fellowships, research assistantships, teaching assistantships, or a combination thereof.

Please send your application material electronically to Linda S. Lee (lslee at purdue.ed<mailto:lslee at purdue.ed>)
EXCEPT for the PCCRC fellowship for which nomination materials should be sent to Rose Filley (rfilley at<mailto:rfilley at>). PCCRC nominations are due Feb 1.

Linda S. Lee
Ecological Science & Engineering Interdisciplinary Graduate Program, Program Head
Professor, Environmental Chemistry,
Purdue University, Department of Agronomy
Crop Soil & Environmental Sciences
915 W. State Street, 3-363 Lilly Hall
West Lafayette, IN 47907-2054
Office: (765) 494-8612; Fax (765) 496-2926
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