[Epics-india] EPICS Week 2 Announcements

Pierce, Andrew L pierce1 at purdue.edu
Fri Jan 17 14:57:43 EST 2020

Important EPICS Week 2 Announcements
[cid:image002.png at 01D5CD46.77EC3030]Spotlight on:

Working effectively as a team is critical to success in any design project. While we all understand this, it leaves us asking "How do we work together effectively?" There is no easy path to developing an effective team, but there are best-practices that can be employed early in the semester to help your team get on the same page and up and running smoothly. A few of these may include:

1.       Determine regular outside of lab meeting times as quickly as possible.

2.       Agree upon methods of communication. Will you use email, a texting app, or some other mode of communication?

3.       As a team, create a list of agreed upon Team Standards - a set of principles or expectations to which the team will hold one another accountable

4.       Discuss preferred methods for handling issues - when there is conflict or disagreement, what is the chain of command to address it? If a teammate fails to complete a duty, how will this be handled?

5.       Develop a team charter that includes the problem statement, project timeline, and organizational chart. Every team member should know and own the team goals.

For additional info, one great resource is https://tll.mit.edu/help/teaching-teamwork

Wallet Exercise - Due this week for all first-time EPICS students
The wallet exercise will be conducted as skill sessions throughout this coming week. Please register for one of the sections on MyEPICS<https://engineering.purdue.edu/MyEpics/index.php>. This activity is required if this is your first semester in EPICS. If you cannot attend any of these sessions, an online makeup (The Gift Giving Activity) is available online<https://engineering.purdue.edu/EPICS/purdue/individual-documents/professional-development>.

Reminder: PDH Deduction for No-Shows to Live PDHs
Students who register for a PDH session and fail to attend will be deducted one PDH credit for each missed event. You may deregister up to 24 hours before the event if your schedule changes and you are unable to attend. This change is intended to ensure that students who wish to attend a session are able to do so, rather than have empty seats due to no-shows.
EPICS Grading

  *   The Individual Evaluation Rubric (IER)<https://engineering.purdue.edu/EPICS/purdue/team-documents/ier/edit> clearly spells out the requirements for each grade level.
  *   It is advisable to review the IER early in the semester to understand grading in EPICS.
  *   Unexcused absences from lab can have a significant effect on your grade. Be sure to clear any absences with your TA and advisor.

Midterm Grades
In accordance with University Senate guidelines, we will be moving midterm grading earlier in the semester. Documentation will be collected week 5 and grades returned week 6. See the milestone schedule<https://purdue0.sharepoint.com/:b:/s/epics/Ea_bGrQGjxRHsZjuVNjwtdABy7jSd_Xx0_6R8gCUELaw6Q> for due dates and details.
Priority Project Program - Applications due Jan 30
The intent of the priority project program is to select a small set of projects (pilot to start with 5 or fewer) from the 100+ ongoing EPICS projects and to provide those project teams with additional expertise and resources to ensure that a timely and quality deliverable is produced. See https://engineering.purdue.edu/EPICS/purdue/priority_project_program for details.
Student Service Learning Grants - Due Feb 5
All EPICS projects with non-Purdue partners should apply: Purdue's Office of Engagement provides grants to students or student organizations for work on community service learning projects. This program's goal is to expand the community involvement of Purdue students in partnership with communities, nonprofit agencies, schools, and governmental bodies. Both the application and guidelines for the Student Grant Program for Community Service/Service Learning Projects can be found online: https://slg.engagement.purdue.edu
Follow Us:
[Image result for twitter logo]<https://twitter.com/EPICSPurdue>   [Image result for facebook logo] <https://www.facebook.com/epicspurdue/>      [Image result for linkedin logo] <https://www.linkedin.com/groups/5109739>

Andrew Pierce
EPICS Academic Administrator
Neil Armstrong Hall of Engineering - Room 1209
701 West Stadium Avenue
West Lafayette, IN 47907-2045
Email: pierce1 at purdue.edu<mailto:pierce1 at purdue.edu>
Phone: (765) 414-2107

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