[Epics-india] EPICS Week 15 Announcements – Design Review Week

Pierce, Andrew L pierce1 at purdue.edu
Fri Apr 17 16:22:20 EDT 2020

Important EPICS Week 15 Announcements – Design Review Week
Design Documents – All should be turned in by the end of the day today. If you haven’t submitted, do so ASAP.

  *   A PDF of the design documents should be submitted by the end of day that your lab is held to give our design reviewers time to read them.
  *   You can continue to update and overwrite the document throughout the semester.
  *   Upload instructions: https://engineering.purdue.edu/EPICS/teams/team-documents/design-doc-upload-instructions

Design Reviews – April 21-24

  *   It isn’t too late to invite guest reviewers or your project partners.
     *   They can register at https://purdue.ca1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_cC0xLInMzdfAm6F
  *   Dress code is business casual or better – at least on the top half 😉
  *   Design reviews will be through the usual GoToMeeting links at the usual lab meeting time.
  *   Project Managers should compile the team’s slides into one deck unless it is too large to open reliably.
     *   The PM will be given presenter rights and can share their screen and advance slides as needed.
  *   Teams are responsible for inviting their community partners and any guest reviewers.


  *   All PDH requirements are still in place – check your progress in MyEPICS
  *   There are two main ways left to get PDHs
     *   Be a peer design reviewer – 1 PDH per team reviewed
        *   Call in to the team’s GoToMeeting design review<https://sharepoint.ecn.purdue.edu/epics/teams/Public%20Documents/Design%20Review%20documents%20for%20website/Reviewers_Schedule.pdf?_ga=2.138829683.1174969481.1586782235-1756297944.1584444792>
        *   Submit the Peer Design Reviewer Form<https://na2.docusign.net/Member/PowerFormSigning.aspx?PowerFormId=21d2fe88-7132-4785-bade-5c36c1357a95&env=na2&acct=9ad6adfd-6804-409b-91bc-173cbee909f9>
        *   You must stay for the whole team (not only one project)
     *   Use the Advisor Approved Activity Form<https://na2.docusign.net/Member/PowerFormSigning.aspx?PowerFormId=773c61a9-de18-4d77-8086-7d59246f908f&env=na2&acct=9ad6adfd-6804-409b-91bc-173cbee909f9&_ga=2.42344421.1174969481.1586782235-1756297944.1584444792> to get credit for independent learning
        *   You can find many videos that can be counted on the EPICS YouTube page<https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCLss90sF9Utg3CoxTrbwZGg/playlists?_ga=2.74858322.1174969481.1586782235-1756297944.1584444792>
        *   You can also find outside content (CAD Tutorials, Coding tutorials, etc.) and gain credit through the form

Miller and Chevron Scholarships
Two scholarship opportunities are available and are exclusive to EPICS students that will be returning for the fall semester. The Miller scholarship is available to any student and is valued at $1,000, and the Chevron scholarship is open to any EPICS student but with preference to those with interest in careers in the energy industry and is valued at $2,000. The attached Scholarship application may be used for either scholarship.
Interested in Becoming an EPICS Ambassador?
EPICS Ambassadors are the face of EPICS for recruiting across the university and outreach to external partners and donors. Ambassadors receive PDH credits for the work they do for the program. See the attached application if interested.
Social Media
We love seeing your photos and videos of your projects! Please tag us on Facebook and Twitter with your posts to share with us. Follow us on LinkedIn to stay connected so we can be sure you receive invites to come back for events, especially as design reviewers, after graduation.
T2M – For FYE Students Only
FYE students – there have been changes to the T2M policy for this year. See the attached slide for details. Contact your academic advisor with any questions.
Service Learning Grants
If you had a grant this semester – don’t’ forget your final reports! I know there has been a lot of chaos, but all of those reports need to be filed.

Follow Us:
[Image result for twitter logo]<https://twitter.com/EPICSPurdue>   [Image result for facebook logo] <https://www.facebook.com/epicspurdue/>      [Image result for linkedin logo] <https://www.linkedin.com/groups/5109739>

Andrew Pierce
EPICS Assistant Director
Neil Armstrong Hall of Engineering – Room 1209
701 West Stadium Avenue
West Lafayette, IN 47907-2045
Email: pierce1 at purdue.edu<mailto:pierce1 at purdue.edu>
Phone: (765) 414-2107

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