[Epics-india] EPICS Mid-Semester Deliverables

Leidig, Paul Alan pleidig at purdue.edu
Fri Sep 27 14:59:41 EDT 2019

EPICS Teams,

Please read this email carefully. It outlines ALL YOUR MID-TERM DELIVERABLES. Missing any of the following will negatively impact your grade. Do not wait to the last minute!

This is a long email because each of the deliverables is explained in detail. Please ask me questions if you have any after reading this.

List of Mid-Semester Deliverables - Due Friday 10/04/2019 by 11:59 p.m.

  1.  Individual Evaluation Rubric
     *   This document must NOT be uploaded on SharePoint or OneNote
        *   Submit it to me via email with subject line "EPICS <team name>: <your name> - IER"
        *   Label your document as follows: <TEAMNAME>-IER-Fall19-<YOURFULLNAME>
     *   Responsibility: Individual Team Members
     *   Outline your accomplishments with detailed descriptions
     *   Please fill out the form in MS Word and add lines for additional items
     *   Note where evidence of your work can be found. Example: specific SharePoint folders
     *   Explain why you deserve a certain grade
     *   A link to IER can be found here. https://engineering.purdue.edu/EPICS/purdue/team-documents/ier (fill out the one that is associated with your EPICS level)
  2.  Individual Documentation (Work & Accomplishments, Reflections)
     *   Responsibility: Individual Team Members
     *   Make sure all your work is attached to your notebook (OneNote)
     *   Remember that the notebooks should provide evidence of your efforts!
     *   Make sure they are up-to-date and synced
     *   More information on how to write good reflection can be found here: https://engineering.purdue.edu/EPICS/purdue/individual-documents/reflections
  3.  Peer Evaluations
     *   Responsibility: Individual Team Members
     *   To be completed on myEPICS
     *   Please rank and comment on individuals you have worked with
     *   All sub-team members and the PM should be included in the peer evaluations, at a minimum
  4.  Design review follow-up document (attached to this email)
     *   Responsibility: PM & Design Leads
     *   One per project or sub-team (whichever works best for you)
     *   Please fill out the form and upload it to the "Design Review" folder of your team's SharePoint
     *   Make sure you list the comments and assign responsibility for addressing these comments to individual students in your teams while setting a due date for each
     *   Note: Soon after your design review, I will scan the feedback sheets from the reviewers and send them to the team, to help with this item.
  5.  Design document
     *   Responsibility: PM & Design Leads
     *   One per project
     *   Upload the most recent design document on your team's SharePoint Design Document folder
  6.  Verify that your attendance and course number (EPCS 1, 2, 3, or 4xx) are correct on myEPICS. (If you find any problem, please let me know.)
  7.  All first-time EPICS students should have their required five PDHs complete. Others should be on-track (Ideally you should have 80-100% of your PDH's done)

General Comments:

  1.  Please make sure all the documents on SharePoint are checked-in. If documents are checked-out, they are accessible only to the person who checked them out - Please check-in documents that you check-out (this does not happen automatically!)
  2.  Make sure all major project documents are uploaded to SharePoint and that the documents on SharePoint are well organized in a logical manner. PM, Design Leads, and Project Archivist(s) are responsible for making sure the files are in good shape.
  3.  PM and DLs are required to write their lessons learned in their notebooks. Talk about anything you have learned and about anything that you think it might be helpful for the next generation who want to take your role at EPICS. (You would need to add a tab to your notebook called "Lessons Learned.")

Paul Leidig, PE
Engineering Education
EPICS Graduate Teaching Assistant
PLeidig at Purdue.edu
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