[Epics-india] EPICS India: Reminders and Design Review Deliverables

Zaina M El-Demerdash zeldemer at purdue.edu
Thu Feb 14 14:12:58 EST 2019

Hello EPICS team!

Don't forget design documents are due this Friday and we will be doing design review mocks next week.

As promised, here are the locations you need to upload your design document by midnight Friday:

  *   Team India's Sharepoint<https://purdue0.sharepoint.com/sites/epics/India/SitePages/Home.aspx>
     *   Semester documentation > Spring2019 > Design Documents
  *   On the design reviewer site<https://purdue0.sharepoint.com/sites/epics/Public%20Documents/Forms/AllItems.aspx?FolderCTID=0x01200026E457AF3ACEF84DA552763D18093F05&id=%2Fsites%2Fepics%2FPublic%20Documents%2FDesign_Review_Documents%2F5-Friday%2FINDIA> (so that they can view them before coming!)
     *   Additional instructions here<https://engineering.purdue.edu/EPICS/teams/team-documents/design-doc-upload-instructions>

Looking forward to things due next week (Saturday, Feb. 23 at midnight):

  *   Individual evaluation rubric<https://engineering.purdue.edu/EPICS/purdue/team-documents/ier> (email to Bharath - basurimu at purdue.edu)
  *   Project evaluation rubric (attached - email to Bharath)
  *   Notebooks (all sections up to date - including reflections!)
  *   Peer evaluations (found on myEPICS)
     *   Provide evaluations for at least those in your sub-team and project manager

Let me know if you have any questions and see you in lab tomorrow!


Zaina El-Demerdash

Purdue University | School of Industrial Engineering

Purdue Society of Women Engineers | Outreach Committee Chair
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