[Epics-india] EPICS India: Week 6

Zaina Mae El-Demerdash zeldemer at purdue.edu
Sun Sep 23 18:59:17 EDT 2018

Hey everyone -

Design review is in 2 weeks so this week is all about making progress with our projects!! We'll talk more about design review and mock presentations during lab this week, but in preparation, here's a reminder of this week's assignments.

Gantt Charts

As discussed, gantt charts layout your project timeline. For now, focus on including what you think your next steps will be.

Design Document

The design document is basically where you formally document your project progress and status. The reason they're due this week is so that design reviewers get a chance to read over them and get a sense of what we're doing before coming to design review. I attached the design doc template to this email and put a copy in the drive<https://drive.google.com/drive/u/0/folders/1YOKKXR65QbWK_QbGM2zjREHart3WsQ4M> along with some samples from last year. I'll let you know later this week where exactly they need to be uploaded in order for the design reviewers to see them, but for now, upload it to our Sharepoint<https://purdue0.sharepoint.com/sites/epics/india/Shared%20Documents/Forms/AllItems.aspx?viewpath=%2Fsites%2Fepics%2Findia%2FShared%20Documents%2FForms%2FAllItems%2Easpx&id=%2Fsites%2Fepics%2Findia%2FShared%20Documents%2FProject%20Documentation>.

Design Review Invitations

In order to get valuable feedback from design review, we need to invite people who we think could help us out. This could be your project partners (they can be remote reviewers and call in to the system), faculty doing related work, even other EPICS teams with similar projects. The goal is for each team to send out at least 2 - include a description of EPICS India and what design review is, the date/time (Oct. 5, 8:30am-10:20am) and location (ARMS 1101). If they say they can come, forward the email to Constantine so they can get all the official information and instructions. If they can't come — don't worry! We'll get a bunch of random reviewers assigned to us.

Mock Design Reviews

We're going to do mock design reviews next week, so try to start on your slides if you get a chance (there's a sample from last year in the drive<https://drive.google.com/drive/u/0/folders/1I5dGruf41VvR3B7jHHiZM5g1uKTkhozL>). We'll do the same thing where I create a presentation and everyone adds their slides to it. Mock presentations will be October 1 - 3.

As always, don't forget to do PIGs (it's in the drive, make sure you edit the week 6 one!) and let me know if you have any questions!


Zaina El-Demerdash

Purdue University | School of Industrial Engineering

Purdue Society of Women Engineers | Outreach Committee Chair
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