[Epics-india] EPICS INDIA Mid-Semester Deliverables

Constantine J Roros croros at purdue.edu
Thu Oct 4 15:12:14 EDT 2018

Hello INDIA Team,

There are few items that you need to submit after you present tomorrow:

  1.  Individual Evaluation Rubrics (IER) - We would like you to evaluate your time in EPICS so far, so please fill out this form and email it to me by 11:59PM October 6th. You can find it here: https://engineering.purdue.edu/EPICS/purdue/team-documents/ier . Choose the document that matches your course number and fill it out.  The focus should be on your self-assessment of the outcomes, justification of that assessment with evidence, and, if completing 2-credits, explanation of work beyond the 1 credit hour students.
  2.  Peer Evaluations - These can be found on myEpics in its own section complete with instructions. At the very least, fill out peer reviews for people on your sub-team. This is due 11:59PM October 6th.
  3.  Design leads from each sub-team should fill out the project evaluation rubric found on the left hand side of the link in #1 and email them to me.
  4.  Electronic notebooks should be ready for me to look at by 11:59PM October 6th. That means by Saturday you need to put your reflections and any work and accomplishments that indicate your effort thus far.

Let me know if you have any questions or if you think you will have trouble meeting these deadlines.

Good luck tomorrow!


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