[Epics-india] Weather Advisory

Pierce, Andrew L pierce1 at purdue.edu
Fri Jan 12 06:55:46 EST 2018

Good morning all,

As of now, Purdue is open for classes and all EPICS divisions will go on as usual; however, please exercise caution getting to classes today. Students commuting from off campus should use your best judgement and notify your EPICS advisor and TA if you will be unable to make it to campus. Advisors, please excuse such absences.

The EPICS offices will not be fully staffed for the morning. Please contact epics at purdue.edu<mailto:epics at purdue.edu> for any assistance.

Advisors and TAs, please notify your students using the team email epics-TEAMACRONYM at ecn.purdue.edu<mailto:epics-TEAMACRONYM at ecn.purdue.edu> if you will be unable to make it to campus for your team meetings and cancel if necessary.

Be safe,
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