[Epics-india] Renovation of ARMS 1101 - former Design Build Lab

Martinez, Jorge L mart1419 at purdue.edu
Thu Apr 12 11:01:20 EDT 2018

Hi EPICS students,
Exciting things are happening next week!  We have the EPICS Award Ceremony on Monday and the Final Design Review sessions throughout the week.

You might have noticed cleaning work done this week in the old Design Build Lab (ARMS 1101), and that is, because we also expect renovation work to begin.  The room will become a new EPICS team meeting room over the summer, similar to ARMS 1098 B and C.  Purdue's Capital Program Management office is in charge of the project, and they have requested the room empty beginning this Monday April 16.

So, please do not store anything in that room.  It will not be available until early August, and it may be tossed along with construction debris by the project construction crew.

Let me know if you have any questions.


Jorge Martinez
EPICS Lab Manager
Neil Armstrong Hall of Engineering - Room 1210
Purdue University
701 West Stadium Ave
West Lafayette, IN  47907
+1 765 494 0629
+1 574 214 9450  (mobile)
mart1419 at purdue.edu<mailto:mart1419 at purdue.edu>

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